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Friday, February 27, 2015


Throughout this journey I have a ton of questions. Questions for my doctor, my recovery house, and of my fellow surgery dolls. So I will use this page to post the questions I have and the answers I received from

Dr. Fernandez-Goico

Feb. 20
How many surgeries do you do in a day?  You only one that day. I only do one surgery if it a combined surgery.
Can I send you or Karel my list of what to pack to make sure that I have everything that I need? Send it to Karel as I have no idea if you would be missing something. Lots of things in the girl department that I don;t know much about.

Feb. 17
Do you provide compression socks? Yes we do. Open toes.
Should I get a back up pair?
Do you think my belly button will move with my tummy tuck or will you make me a new one?
Can I be heart shaped.  I'm sorry but whoever performs that cannot be a board certified plastic surgeon.

Feb. 14
How many weeks do I have to wait before I can drive? 4 weeks before driving
Workout--like walking or elliptical? 4-6 weeks for the elliptical, let's see how you recover.

Feb. 10
What are "dog ears'? How common are they? Can I do anything to prevent them? Dog ears should not happen ever. They are excess skin left in the border of the incisions and they can be corrected immediately during the surgery.  I have have 'dog ears'.

Feb. 3
How could/would my cycle effect my cycle/ What and how far ahead should I take additional iron? Start now, 300mg daily. You hemo goes down a little with your period.  Have Vitamin C separate 1000mg as well and stop 2 weeks before surgery. 

Feb. 2
How long does botox last? About 4-6 months.

Feb. 1
What tummy tuck procedure do you usually use? I use several different techniques to prevent seromas. For example suturing the inner fat layer to the muscle to close the dissection among other techniques. I use a special drainage system which theoretically cannot get clogged.

Also do you/can you severe my eye brow frown lines while I am getting other procedures?   It is temporary and I stopped doing them because//long term effect is not good.

Jan. 25
Can I instead take the lipo on my thighs(instead of my flanks and lower back)? Don't worry I'll do your thighs as well.

Jan. 21
how strict the 14 day rule? I would recommend 10-14 days. But let's say your a slow healer...You'll go home without being completely recovered.

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